Tom Wera





The practice of Tom Wera focuses on commercial and economic law, financial law and corporate law, including the law relating to mergers and acquisitions.

In this context, Tom Wera acts for clients active in various sectors (energy, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, IT, real estate, transport, etc.).

Tom's fields of specialization

More specifically, he represents and advises national and international clients from the private and public sector, inter alia, for:

the creation and dissolution of companies, associations, foundations or other customized legal structures;

the restructuring of all or a part of companies, associations or foundations, including joint ventures, mergers, demergers, acquisitions and contributions;

the development of management structures for companies, associations or foundations;

the other specialized questions of corporate or association law;

the legal framework of special investment or project financing;

the implementation and compliance with specialized regulations for financial institutions, such as banks, insurance companies and their intermediaries;

the negotiation and editing of various economic contracts, including contracts of cooperation;

the questions that are governed by the broad range of commercial and economic law in general, including issues of accounting and insolvency law.

Tom Wera’s representation and advisory assignments extend to the preparation and drafting of regulatory texts (laws, decrees, ordinances, royal decisions, government decisions and ministerial decisions). In that respect, he regularly deals with public authorities.

He also assists clients in litigation matters both before courts and tribunals, administrative courts, financial and other supervisors, arbitration colleges and other arbitration tribunals. Such litigation relates to disputes in the aforementioned specialization areas (e.g. disputes regarding directors’ liability).

Academic activities

Tom Wera is a professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Centre for Private and Economic Law, where he teaches Enterprise law.

He is also an author and editor of many scientific publications (manuals, contributions in compilations, articles in journals), as well as being a frequent speaker or organizer of legal colloquia.

He also held several other academic positions and functions.

En droit, il n’y a pas d’autorité devant laquelle on doive plier. J’ai un profond respect pour nos bons auteurs et pour les décisions des cours, mais je ne me soumets qu’à la raison.
F. Laurent



Master of Law from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, specialization Economic Law. Graduated summa cum laude, awarded with the title of Valedictorian

Consecutively assistant, researcher and professor at the Centre for Private and Economic Law of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Since 2010


Tom Wera is member of the Brussels Bar Association
Since 2011

Trainee and subsequently associate of Mr. K. Byttebier at the firm Everest Law in Brussels.
2011 – 2017


English Legal Methods (ELM), optional courses Company law and Law of torts, from Cambridge University, Selwyn College


Senior associate at the firm LMBD in Brussels.
Since 2017


Doctor of Law (PhD) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and UGent (Joint PhD) on a dissertation entitled “The group of companies. Points of attention regarding a new dynamic in the internal functioning of groups of companies”


Counsel at the firm LMBD in Brussels.
Since 2020